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Love will lead you back

  God created us to love and bless us unconditionally. The devil cannot stop God from doing that. The only way to hinder God’s love and blessings is to get us to reject them. The evil one uses the knowledge of good and evil to have us earn God’s love and blessings with our good behavior (s). There is absolutely no need for us to do that to begin with. Adam was the first human. Put yourself in his shoes. The mocker : Adam was wearing shoes? Do not reinterpret the Bible. Say it as it is! The Bible does not lie! You open your eyes. All you see is a beautiful and scenic environment with living creatures among you. Everything you would ever need have been provided for you (Genesis 2:16, NKJV) . There is only one other Living Being besides you. He brought to you every beast of the field and every bird of the air to be named by you (Genesis 2:19-20, NKJV) . You could name each and every one of them and still remember all the names! Are you intelligent or what?  The mocker: Good memory only. N

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