Worship God - Resting in His Love


Available on Google Books at www.bit.ly/worshipRest 

“Worship” is first mentioned in Genesis 22:5 (NKJV),

“And Abraham said to his young men, “Stay here with the donkey; the lad and I will go yonder and worship, and we will come back to you.”

According to the rule of first mention, we get a sense of the intended meaning of a word or doctrine from whence it was mentioned for the first time. Hence, worship is in the context of the father offering his beloved son as the sin offering. Therefore, the worship of God has to do with the sacrificial death of God’s beloved Son as Jesus the Christ.

To pay God homage out of fear is completely amiss. It is nothing more than dead works. God is looking for those who would worship Him in Spirit and Truth.

This compact and concise eBook serves to prove from Scriptures that true worship is to rest in God's unconditional love for us.

When we bow our heads before God, we are thanking Him for the manifestation of His great love for us through Christ crucified. It is bringing to remembrance how our Lord Jesus bowed His head and dismissed His Spirit after letting out the victory cry over sin,

“It is finished!”

(Suda hapis!)


Let us not be overloaded by excessive words and pompous display of religious piety. Instead, let us be awed by the simplicity that is in Christ Jesus. What God has so simplified in His beloved Son as Christ Jesus, let no one complicate it.


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