The Battle Against Sin

It is written in Proverbs 19:2 of the Amplified Bible that sin is missing the mark. What then is the mark? It refers to the Perfect Image of God. Satan first corrupted that unadulterated Image of God and tarnished His glorious reputation in the Garden of Eden with his lies (Genesis 3:1-5, New King James Version). When Eve and Adam accepted that distorted image of God, they sinned, that is, missed the mark. In the words of Romans 1:25 (New King James Version),

…they exchanged the truth of God (His Perfect Image, italics mine) for the lie.

Consequent to the perverted image which arose from Satan’s lies, humanity worshipped anything but God the Creator.

The Perfect Image

The Word of God is truth (John 17:17, Amplified Bible). Jesus is the Word of God and God Himself (John 1:1, Amplified Bible). He is also the exact representation and perfect imprint of God the Father (Hebrews 1:3, Amplified Bible). Hence, Jesus is the truth of God, Who is the Perfect or unadulterated Image of God. 

Humanity has exchanged God’s Perfect Image for the lies of the devil and hence, fallen. All have sinned, missed the mark and fall short of the glory of God; His unadulterated Image (Romans 3:23, New King James Version)

The Battle against Sin 

The word “sin” in Romans 3:23 is the Greek verb “hamartanĂ³” (Strong’s Greek #264), which means “to miss the mark”. Therefore, the way to overcome sin is to hit the mark by beholding the Perfect Image of God (2 Corinthians 3:18, New King James Version)

Battle #1

The first battle ground against the lies of the devil that perverted the unadulterated Image of God was in the Garden of Eden. Our first progenitors were utterly defeated there. 

Battle #2

The second battle ground was in the wilderness temptation of Jesus where He clobbered the devil and emerged victorious. Jesus restored the Perfect Image of God by debunking the lies of the devil. 

Battle #3

The third battle ground was on Mount Calvary where Jesus completely crushed the devil and disarmed all principalities and powers as signified by His victory cry before dismissing His Spirit on the Cross (John 19:30; Colossians 2:15, New King James Version). Thereafter, God openly designated Jesus to be the Son of God with power, in a triumphant and miraculous way, by His resurrection from the dead (Romans 1:4, Amplified Bible). Jesus’ resurrection restored the Perfect Image of God to the fullest extent of glory.

Final Battle

One final battle remains (Revelation 20:7-10, Amplified Bible). In that battle, Satan, the father of liars, will be banished to the Lake of Fire to be tormented for all eternity (John 8:44, Living Bible).

Consequence of Sin 

Meanwhile, it is for the very lack of God’s unadulterated or Perfect Image that humans began to think up silly ideas of what God is like and what he wants us to do (Romans 1:21, Living Bible). For that reason, God said in Hosea 4:6 (Living Bible),

My people are destroyed because they don’t know me…

In other words, we are destroyed because we do not have the unadulterated Image of God. It is only in God’s Perfect Image that we know exactly Who He is and what He wants us to do. Therefore, having the unadulterated Image of God leads to right living.

The battle against sin (missing the mark) is won when the Perfect Image of God is restored to the fullest extent of its glory. God did that by sending His beloved Son in human form as Jesus of Nazareth to explain, interpret and reveal Him as the loving Father (John 1:18, John 16:27, Amplified Bible).  Jesus is the exact representation and perfect imprint of God the Father (Hebrews 1:3, Amplified Bible). Those who have seen Jesus have seen the Father (John 14:9, New Living Translation)

The Picture Book

Today, the Lord Jesus wants us to see Him in the scriptures as evident from Luke 24:27 (New King James Version). The Holy Bible is a picture book of God’s unadulterated Image that is in Christ Jesus. God has made His Perfect Image that is in Christ Jesus readily available in His written Word so that everyone has equal opportunity to see it. 

The sum total of God’s unadulterated Image is exemplified in John 16:27 (Amplified Bible),

The Father Himself tenderly loves you.

The unconditional and everlasting love of God for us is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 8:39, New Living Translation)


The word “faith” is the Greek noun “pistis” (Strong’s Greek #4102). It refers to God’s divine persuasion to trust Him. It is always received as a gift from God and never generated by men. 

How does God persuade? 

He does that by sending His beloved Son as Jesus of Nazareth to be the Perfect Representation of His glorious Image. This is so that we can know God for Who he really is through His beloved Son. As is written in John 1:18, Amplified Bible,

No one has seen God [His essence, His divine nature] at any time; the [One and] only begotten God [that is, the unique Son] who is in the intimate presence of the Father, He has explained Him [and interpreted and revealed the awesome wonder of the Father].

It is stated in Romans 1:25 (New King James Version) that men have exchanged the truth for the lie and consequently worshipped anything else but God the Creator Himself. The truth is the Word of God in human form as Jesus of Nazareth (John 1:1, 14, Amplified Bible). He is the Perfect Image of God. On the contrary, the lie is the perverted image of God fabricated by the devil in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:1-5, New King James Version).

The lie comprised three evil insinuations of God:

Jesus is the exact representation and prefect imprint of God the Father (Hebrews 1:3, Amplified Bible). He who has seen Jesus has seen God the Father (John 14:9, New King James Version). Therefore, it is through God’s picture book of Himself that is in Christ Jesus (the Holy Bible) that God persuades. In other words, men are divinely persuaded to trust Him by looking at His Perfect imprint that is in His Word (Jesus the Christ).

Hence, faith (being persuaded by God to trust Him) comes by hearing, and hearing the word of Christ (the Perfect Image of God) – Romans 10:17 (paraphrased). Hearing entails having the entire spirit, soul and daily life be completely absorbed by the Perfect Image of God that is in Christ Jesus. That mouthful of words is summarized by one word, “Behold”.

Jesus of Nazareth was the Word of God in human form (John 1:1, 14, Amplified Bible). As evident from Luke 24:27 (New King James Version), the risen Christ has revealed His intention for us to see God’s Perfect Image in Him through the written Word,

And beginning at Moses and all the Prophets, He expounded to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself.

God the Father has meant for His Perfect Image to be seen in His Beloved Son Who was hidden in the Old Testament and revealed in the New Testament. This is supported by Hebrews 1:1-2 (Amplified Bible),

God, having spoken to the fathers long ago in [the voices and writings of] the prophets in many separate revelations [each of which set forth a portion of the truth], and in many ways, has in these last days spoken [with finality] to us in [the person of One who is by His character and nature] His Son [namely Jesus], whom He appointed heir and lawful owner of all things, through whom also He created the universe [that is, the universe as a space-time-matter continuum].

The Love of God

See the very essence of God’s heart of love in motion when Jesus walked the earth. 

To the leper who doubted God’s willingness to heal him, Jesus tenderly assured him that He was willing. Jesus then touched the leper and the leprosy immediately left him (Matthew 8:2-3, New King James Version). The leprosy left immediately. It shows the earnest willingness of God to heal all who are sick.

To the widow of Nain, Jesus raised her only son from the dead without her even asking. His heart overflowed with sympathy for her (Luke 7:11-15, Living Bible). This is the heart of our loving Father God for the lonely and desolate.

To those who used religion to exploit the poor and needy, Jesus chased them out of the temple courts (Matthew 21:12-13, New King James Version). It revealed God’s zealous protection of the weak and vulnerable ones.

God with Us

These are but a glimpse of God’s unadulterated Image. In essence, Jesus went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him (Acts 10:38, New King James Version). The phrase “God was with Him” refers to the Perfect Image of God that was in Jesus’ heart. This is evident from John 5:19 (New King James Version),

…the Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father do; for whatever He does, the Son also does in like manner.

Just as Jesus is both the Shepherd and the Lamb, He is also the Perfect Image of God and the Restorer of that Image (John 1:29, 10:11, New King James Version).

Follow Me

When Jesus said, "Follow Me", it means we are to be a reflection of God's Perfect Image that is in Him.  What can be easier than just letting the glory of God's unadulterated Image shine on us? For this reason, Jesus said in Matthew 11:28-30 (New King James Version),

Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.

When we behold the love, kindness, patience, meekness, gentleness; all the beauty and loveliness of Jesus, we take the focus off of ourselves. The benefit of doing that is given in 2 Corinthians 3:18 (New King James Version). We will be transformed into the same Perfect Image of God that is in Christ Jesus.

Whatever image of God we have in our heart that we become. Right image, right living.

Walk in the Light

Our part is to stand in His Light. As written in 1 John 1:7 (English Standard Version),

But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin.

In the Light is the life of men and the life is in the blood (John 1:4, Amplified Bible). The blood of Jesus that gives us life speaks better things (Leviticus 17:11; Hebrews 12:24): Love, grace, mercy, forgiveness, peace, joy, health, prosperity and all the wonderful things that God had planned for us to have before the foundation of the world.

Just as the moon shines not but reflect the light of the sun, no amount of self-effort can make us Godly; the Perfect Image of God (Job 25:5, New King James Version). We reflect the glory of the Lord as we behold Him for as He is, so are we in this world (2 Corinthians 3:18; 1 John 4:17, New King James Version).

God said in Jeremiah 29:11 (English Standard Version),

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.

All of the wonderful plans that God has for us have become a reality in Christ Jesus (2 Corinthians 1:20, Amplified Bible).

The Inheritance

The million dollar question: 

Why are those wonderful promises of God not instantly manifested in my life?

It is because they were designed to be inherited through faith and patience (Hebrew 6:12, New King James Version). The season of waiting is meant for us to learn the same lesson that God intended for the wilderness wandering Israelites to learn:

And he humbled you and let you hunger and fed you with manna, which you did not know, nor did your fathers know, that he might make you know that man does not live by bread alone, but man lives by every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.

- Deuteronomy 8:3 (English Standard Version)

The waiting season may seem painful and arduous. But it is the discipline of Father God that produces a lifestyle and attitude of trusting Him (Hebrews 12:11, Amplified Bible). It is in the waiting season that we know by experience that He Who promised is faithful (Hebrews 10:23, New King James Version).

The Evidence

I have always been intrigued by how miracles were so instantaneous when Jesus walked the earth but not so now. Depressing thoughts flashed through my mind:

  1. Did I do something wrong?
  2. Am I even saved at all?

It was the ugly head of doubt rearing its hideous head! After 22 years, my lightning fast mind finally caught a glimpse of the reason. All the promises of God are answered in Christ (2 Corinthians 1:20, Amplified Bible). He is the title deed and confirmation that every promise of God will come to pass (Hebrews 11:1, Amplified Bible). The instantaneous manifestation of miracles during Jesus’ earthly ministry was God’s way of demonstrating that truth.


What is meant by “Amen”? The basic meaning of the Semitic root from which the word is derived means:

  1. Firm;
  2. Fixed;
  3. Sure.

In the Greek Old Testament, it is usually translated as “so be it” while the English Bible frequently renders it as “verily” or “truly”.

It brings to mind Hebrews 11:1 (Amplified Bible),

Now faith is the assurance (title deed, confirmation) of things hoped for (divinely guaranteed), and the evidence of things not seen [the conviction of their reality—faith comprehends as fact what cannot be experienced by the physical senses].

Hence, our “Amen” to every promise of God is a declaration and demonstration of faith. All of God’s plans to give us a future and a hope have become a reality in Christ Jesus (Jeremiah 29:11; 2 Corinthians 1:20, Amplified Bible). God is waiting for us to consent to Him bringing them into our lives. He needs our agreement that and our “Amen” means we agree. 

Bring it on Lord!


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