Take, Eat and Drink


God the Father gave God the Son a sóma (mortal body) to capture the sarx (flesh) so as to nail it to the Cross. Christ crucified is the death of sarx; yours and mine – 1 Peter 3:18, AMP. For this reason, we are dead to sin and alive to God!

The devil exploits the Law to arouse the flesh (sarx) in us to sin against God to our own detriment. Now that sarx has been put to death in the sóma of Christ Jesus on the Cross, sin shall have no dominion over those who are in Him – Romans 6:14, AMP. Christ has been put to death in the flesh (sarx) and the death He died, He died to sin once and for all – Romans 6:10, 1 Peter 3:18, AMP.

Partaking of the Holy Communion is the power to practically overcome sin; not just the sinful desires but also the diseases and infirmities that come with it. No wonder the early Church devoured the Holy Communion; breaking bread daily from house to house as recorded in Acts 2:46!

This booklet takes an in-depth look into discerning the Lord’s Body by distinguishing sóma from sarx as well as partaking of the Holy Communion as a whole.

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